Best SEO plugin’s for WordPress site that will help you reach the top
Best SEO plugin’s for WordPress site that will help you reach the top
4/28/2013 09:09:00 pm
days, there are a number of plugins built that would help with SEO and social
sharing. But, it’s not easy to find the good quality stuffs in the huge market
of widget. Before someone starts installing the plug-in, the basic SEO tasks
should be familiar on their Wordpress sites. They are very important and a good
start to the developing strategy.
are listed as under:
Mapping out of Site’s Structure: A MindMap tool is
required for developing an easy to follow site flowchart. Mind42 helps creating
a site guide that divides the navigation sections and lets the user have an
Permanent URL Structure: Although none of the
permalinks in the WordPress settings are SEO friendly, with the WP No Category
Plugin, <word>/category section of the URL can be removed. As a result, a
clean, compact and keyword rich URL is built.
Sorting out of useful folders: Generally there are some
sections which are hidden to the search engine and to achieve that, a Robot.txt
file in the top level of directory should be created. When the text file is
created, folders can be specified to be visible to a search engine or not. It
works really well but users can still access the pages through direct URL.
Create a Sitemap: Many of the tools listed
below will help you quickly generate a sitemap. When this is complete, it
should be submitted to Google Webmaster Tools and Bing Webmaster Tools as a
request to start creating the content.
are some effective WordPress SEO Plugins. Some of them are listed below:
SEO Ultimate: It’s a Meta data
powerhouse which has access to control the content, keyword, Google Webmaster
Verification and integration with Google Analytics. SEO Ultimate is proven to
be helpful to manage data effectively.
Local Search SEO Contact Page: It’s perfect for those
who are beginners in building a great SEO. The Local search allows to add all
the business information’s in the ‘Contact Us’ page along with an embedded
Google Map. This links up with your Google+ account.
Yoast’s WordPress: Yoast helps determine
the current SEO score and so, we can monitor the areas that need improvement.
One can find out the missing keywords from title and H1 tags and thus the
content and metadata can be managed too. It is heard that Yoast’s WordPress is
the most used plugin. It assists in the setting up of XML sitemaps, and thus
all the title’s and description templates can be mapped. It is advised that
this should be the only SEO plugin that should be used because it is regularly
upgraded and helps one to reach in the top.
Top SEO-Friendly Image and Content
SEO Friendly Images: It ensures that all the
images have alternate attributes, title tags and every other related
information regarding search engines. A premium version is also available that
can unlock the special features of SEO like XML sitemap generators and custom
SEO Content Control: This tool helps
identifying the weakest links among a lot of content. It includes viewing a
list of all the pages, posts that possess lacklusters, missing Meta data and
missing keywords.
Plugins are also very important. The Must-Have Analytics Plugins are:
SEO Rank Reporter: Rank Reporter is an
awesome tool that monitors the Google ranking through the WordPress dashboard,
and it’s updated every three days. SEO improvements are needed because when the
ranking falls, other tools can be used to identify the error and find out their
Google Analyticator: It integrates the data
directly into the dashboard of WordPress. Performing pages, referrers and
keywords can be viewed among other valuable metrics.
The Top-Notch Social Plugins are:
Sociable: Sociable is a superior sharing
plugin that has customization options and is featured with default options of
personalizing the icons and images. The WordPress themes make the social site
hugely accessible.
Social Media Tabs: This is a unique plugin
that adds a social media widget and shows data from major social sites. It
supports Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube, Flickr and RSS.