Latest News on Twitter


11/01/2012 09:11:00 am

Good news for every twitter lovers.  During the recent years it has been examined that there are large competitions among the hottest and mostly used social networks. So every day you can see many new features which pop up on every popular network like Google+, face book or twitter. It is true fact that twitter has improved and has provided its users many new features which are amazingly designed to attract and keep its users busy.

Twitter is the biggest winner as it has provided the new header image options for each and every individual to increase  and improve his business accounts and as well as it has also bought a dynamic and great changes in the new discover tab.

If any user wants to give a great and awesome profile on twitter, then twitter helps its user to add new header images through which he can create the shades and highlights of Google+ and face book timeline. In other words, it is amazing and great new addition in twitter by which the user can be seen online through his brand’s name and if he has not created and improved any header image then he should do it.

If a user wants to create a social networking or attracts different users and wants to increase his brand then he has to create an amazing and fantastic unique presentation online and he has to maintain in a very fantastic manner. 

Most of the people have already insert new header image in their twitter accounts so that they can create and build fantastic funny designs to make their profiles hot and spicy. The user can easily and simply designs his new page through mobile app or he can take help from twitter website.  It is very easy to insert new image with help of twitter website. The user has to click on the design’s page and move the cursor to the mentioned key where he can customize his page on his own.  He will be able to find a new key navigation named “change the header”. With the help of this key the user can easily change and upload new image and create an amazing and spicy profile. The user should keep in mind that the image he is uploading on his profile should not greater than 4 to 5 megabytes. Although twitter has not mentioned or restricted any sizes but it is seen that image with smaller width looks sweet and beautiful. So to make the profile beautiful one should use the image less than 640 pixels.
It has been published in an official blog before that twitter has also declared that if a user visit the discover tab while using then there he can find many repeated sources of tweets which opens and are being visualized automatically in which the user can view different stories and amazing pictures related to it.

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