Best SEO plugin’s for WordPress site that will help you reach the top

Best SEO plugin’s for WordPress site that will help you reach the top

4/28/2013 09:09:00 pm

These days, there are a number of plugins built that would help with SEO and social sharing. But, it’s not easy to find the good quality stuffs in the huge market of widget. Before someone starts installing the plug-in, the basic SEO tasks should be familiar on their Wordpress sites. They are very important and a good start to the developing strategy.

They are listed as under:

Mapping out of Site’s Structure: A MindMap tool is required for developing an easy to follow site flowchart. Mind42 helps creating a site guide that divides the navigation sections and lets the user have an overview. 

Permanent URL Structure: Although none of the permalinks in the WordPress settings are SEO friendly, with the WP No Category Plugin, <word>/category section of the URL can be removed. As a result, a clean, compact and keyword rich URL is built.

Sorting out of useful folders: Generally there are some sections which are hidden to the search engine and to achieve that, a Robot.txt file in the top level of directory should be created. When the text file is created, folders can be specified to be visible to a search engine or not. It works really well but users can still access the pages through direct URL.

Create a Sitemap: Many of the tools listed below will help you quickly generate a sitemap. When this is complete, it should be submitted to Google Webmaster Tools and Bing Webmaster Tools as a request to start creating the content.

There are some effective WordPress SEO Plugins. Some of them are listed below:

SEO Ultimate: It’s a Meta data powerhouse which has access to control the content, keyword, Google Webmaster Verification and integration with Google Analytics. SEO Ultimate is proven to be helpful to manage data effectively.

Local Search SEO Contact Page: It’s perfect for those who are beginners in building a great SEO. The Local search allows to add all the business information’s in the ‘Contact Us’ page along with an embedded Google Map. This links up with your Google+ account.

Yoast’s WordPress: Yoast helps determine the current SEO score and so, we can monitor the areas that need improvement. One can find out the missing keywords from title and H1 tags and thus the content and metadata can be managed too. It is heard that Yoast’s WordPress is the most used plugin. It assists in the setting up of XML sitemaps, and thus all the title’s and description templates can be mapped. It is advised that this should be the only SEO plugin that should be used because it is regularly upgraded and helps one to reach in the top.

Top SEO-Friendly Image and Content Tools:

SEO Friendly Images: It ensures that all the images have alternate attributes, title tags and every other related information regarding search engines. A premium version is also available that can unlock the special features of SEO like XML sitemap generators and custom settings.

SEO Content Control: This tool helps identifying the weakest links among a lot of content. It includes viewing a list of all the pages, posts that possess lacklusters, missing Meta data and missing keywords.

Analytic Plugins are also very important. The Must-Have Analytics Plugins are:

SEO Rank Reporter: Rank Reporter is an awesome tool that monitors the Google ranking through the WordPress dashboard, and it’s updated every three days. SEO improvements are needed because when the ranking falls, other tools can be used to identify the error and find out their address. 

Google Analyticator: It integrates the data directly into the dashboard of WordPress. Performing pages, referrers and keywords can be viewed among other valuable metrics.

The Top-Notch Social Plugins are

Sociable: Sociable is a superior sharing plugin that has customization options and is featured with default options of personalizing the icons and images. The WordPress themes make the social site hugely accessible.

Social Media Tabs: This is a unique plugin that adds a social media widget and shows data from major social sites. It supports Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube, Flickr and RSS.

These are some helpful advices. Hope this can increase the ranking!

Things to keep in mind before the Google Penguin launches

Things to keep in mind before the Google Penguin launches

4/27/2013 09:11:00 pm

It is a well-known fact that Google Penguin is updating and the next update will have a major impact on the SERPs.It is known to all that the Penguin filters the link quality and designs to take out the sites that generally use influential techniques to make the search visibility better.

It is very much easy to understand that web spam engineers have improvised themselves in the last few months. And so, Google’s team is eager for a major structural change to change the way their filters work.

Google have even been involved in some particularly important web spam actions against sites like ‘Interflora’ and removing the faulty links.

Basically, Google makes big projects which points towards intellectuals. The question that arises is how can one profile their links and analyses the impact when Penguin comes in the market.

There are a lot of evidence based theories. Some of them are jotted down:-

The Link Graph: Google knows about the whereabouts of bad links and so when they start looking for it, they start with link graphs. Link graph is a network made up of clusters which forms IPs and as a result, ownerships and associations. 

It assignsauthority to the links that have built up enough, which means that the sites that use manipulative weight would be associated with the link graph and hence can be located. They would be removed from the PageRank picture, which would speed up the search engines as garbage of bad links has been removed.

Link Velocity: Google has exhibited a remarkable change in the acquiring of their links. Google devalues the ordinary and spots the spikes very quickly.

They’ve broadcasted a chart which explains how the bad links are devalued. Links would be moulded into the Penguin model very soon.

Link Trust: Link Trust is of prime importance to Google. Trust is based on the Hilltop algorithm which identifies the expert documents in the web. If the link profile has links majorly linked with trusted site it will act as a shield.

Social Signals: Many professionals in SEObelieve that social signals are far more important than Penguin because it makes much sense and it also has limitations. It would work pretty well in the digital marketing industry. Basically, social sharing might be used to qualify the link quality.

Anchor Text: Majority of the SEO experts claim that anchor text is better than metric system. They look for the exact match of anchor text with DA of 30 or less. Some other professional’ssay that the key is the relationship between a branded and non-branded anchor text and any general profile would be accompanied with branded and noise anchors.

The recent statistics says that percentage of allowable spammy links has been reducing. The statistics is 80 per cent before Penguin and 50 per cent by the end of the last year. As Google is getting better every day, this percentage seems to be improving.

Relevancy: Relevancy is a sector where Google needs some improvement.  Google need to improve the semantic understanding as it develops picture where data can be assigned more weightage than links. Penguin will focus on the links that has no prospect.

Traffic Metrics: The discrimination between Panda and the Penguin is getting blurred and they’ll be actually indistinguishable in near future. The traffic metrics fall under the Panda which has been subsumed into the core algorithm will be followed by Penguin.

Takeaways: It’s nearly impossible to predict the future but it’s certain that Google will make the process of link building a riskier tactic more than ever. The rate at which links are earned too will come under more scrutiny.

It’s very important to understand the link in great detail. Tools and data from companies like Majestic, Ahrefs, and Cognitive SEO etc. will become more important to mitigate risk. The use of brand and white noise anchor text will be encouraged to remove the obvious problems. It’ll also phrase to match the anchor text problems.Running the back link checks on the sites to get links to ensure their equity won’t come from bad neighborhoods as that can pass to the user.

Bing’s new feature in image search – “Pin It”

Bing’s new feature in image search – “Pin It”

4/26/2013 10:56:00 am

The famous Bing programmer Chen Fang blogged on the hosting of events which involved the lifestyle and design bloggers that would make the concept of searching and social media clear to the users. He said that, our society does a huge amount of image searches on Bing and Pinterest can be useful in this regard.He generalised the troubles that a normal user faces in tracking the source of an image and Pinterest has found efficient ways to locate the original, high quality pictures.

He also blogged about the sidebar efforts and the extra facility that “Pin It” button can provide. Basically, user’s don’t have to copy and paste anymore which meant less use of plug in’s. People can search for images directly from Bing to their Pinterest boards.

Bing has researched in the last season and after so many conferences and seminars, they have launched the Pinterst button.Earlier in this year, Yahoo had also introduced an extra feature in its image searching technology. It brought the “Flickr” images back to its original image search. It also allows people to search for the pictures licensed under Creative Commons licenses for its use in different kinds of applications.

Bing’s Pin to Pinterest feature figures out the link and automatically detects and links it back to the original source of the image to save time for the pinner and to ensure proper attribution. This feature is already installed in the search engine and that is why it does not require to install a bookmarklet.

In the announcement, Bing focussed on the ways in which one can search for better images using quotation marks and the site within specific sites. As for some examples:

  • “Summer dresses”
  • “Swimsuit”
  • memorial day party recipes”
  • grill recipes”

Anyway, the point is the user can directly pin it to the pinterest when Bing Image search is used at

Its working procedure is written as follows:

  1. Perform a Bing Search.
  2. Being on the Bing page, you can see the images that are asked for.
  3. Click on the image and click on “Pin it”, and then add a description to the image.

The pinterest app comes in the market with already installed Facebook and twitter on NOOK tablets from Barnes and Noble. It has created a special boost up in their market and they are hoping to give Google a tough competition.

Necessary things to keep in mind to get your website a good rank

Necessary things to keep in mind to get your website a good rank

4/25/2013 03:30:00 pm

While building the links, Google’s preference list has changed than before. The important things to keep in mind are:

Total Number: Google at first keeps track of the total number of links one has. It isn’t an effective factor considering the rank, establishment and trustworthiness of a good site will always be much more valuable than spammy and low quality links.

Domains: If a site has several links from the same site, then it’s a spoil spot. Google is going to disregard the influences of most of the links and so link diversity are very important.

Google can detect the domains of links through varied IP addresses. So, it’s advised that the links should be coming from IP addresses around the globe suggesting connection with different people.

Anchor Text: Anchor texts should be varied while creating links which keeps your link profile diverse and natural looking. As a benefit, people won’t use the keyword that the developer has made on that page pointing to that site.

Age: It’s a popular belief that older links that has been used for years are much more important and powerful than the new links. Older and known links will be definitely more influential and impactful than the new links. Google trusts the old links more because they are much more authoritative.

Variation: Diversity or variation is very important in terms of anchor text and source of the links. Variation is also important with respect to image versus text, placement of links on various sites and ‘dofollow’ links versus ‘nofollow’ links.

Some years ago, only the ‘DoFollow’ links were allowed by Google. As a result, every site developer started focussing entirely on ‘DoFollow’ links and started eliminating the other. But the SEO’s belief is contrary to this and they say that Google wants to curb the success of sites that are not playing according to the instructions of Google and blocking their way to the top.

Quality: Quality is the most important factor to keep in mind. Receiving the links from valued sites is better than receiving thousands of spammy blogs. The focus should be made on getting links from the well-known sites, which is difficult because they’re very conservative. Creating and sharing the links should of top priority to increase the quality of the site.

Relevance of the links is another sign of quality. Google is going to discount the sites where the subjects are not relevant merely makes sense. A typical webmaster should try to lessen the irrelevant topics and stay in their niche.

Bad Links: The bad links have a detrimental impression on the page’s ranking. So, equal importance should be given to limit the number of bad links.

Velocity: Link velocity refers to the rate and schedule at which the kinks are built. The key is to make the links look natural and consistent in making. There shouldn’t be many curves in the velocity and developing new links should be more than the previous month.

10 precious tips for SEO after Google Penguin update

10 precious tips for SEO after Google Penguin update

4/22/2013 11:15:00 pm

Links has been an integral component of SEO and has paved the road of success to all good SEO campaigns. From the first update of Google Penguin algorithm, it’s a vital duty to develop the links properly.

 The top 10 suggestions for creating back links for your own or other’s sake are listed as following: - 

1. Preference to Quality

Recent link developing initiatives should have their first preference as quality. Google Penguin has condemned many websites for low quality links which take minimal force to receive the administrative submissions.

2. Connections are prior to Links
Developing a link is almost similar to networking. Every SEO should have their personal list of contacts that can help you with building links.
If you have served the SEO industry for some time, you might already have some connections. Being a freelancer, you can seek help to people with whom you have dealt already or have worked for their campaigns.

3. Extend

Initially you have to reach to someone to start building links, and divulging with others would be the first step. You should know their clients, personality, customer base and contacts. A personal approach will be better in emails.

4. Originality

Originality to content is immensely vital in link developing campaigns. The content in editorial part is the best, because these involve writing contents based on your website. Two important things are:
Article Marketing
Guest Blogging.

 The necessity for great content has increased the demand of content marketing with a boom.

5. Know Your Audience

Audience is the most important and tone is very important in this case. If a highly technical post is concerned, writing should be according to the understanding of engineering principles and concepts.

6. Mixture

Mixture of links is always appreciated.
Types of links you may consider are as follows:
Forum Posts
Blog Comments
Articles & Blog Posts (in content links)
Brand Links
Local Citations
Keyword Rich Hyper Text
Follow Links

Some of them are very old, but are easier than others and more valuable in campaigns.

7. Value

The Internet is full with low quality content. It is important to impart value to the website from where you are hoping to gain a link from.
If links are developed by way of blog commenting, value should be added to the content. Relevant comments should be made which would be accepted and appreciated.

8. Metrics

Domain metrics such as PageRank, Domain Authority, Page Authority, MozRank, MozTrust, Linking Root Domains, and External Link Volume etc. are the potential back link sources.

PageRank – This is Google’s own scoring system where sites are given a rank.

Domain Authority – This is SEOMoz’s best attempt at ranking search engines on link domains.

 MozRank – Visual representation for calculating the volume of links, quality of links and number of root domains pointing towards a page. 

9. It should be earned

It’s not easy to earn links. The quality of your content should be of high standard and should be very influential. Getting your contents reach to the right readers is the most vital part. Marketing strategy is very important for publicizing the contents and getting it spread and shared.

10. Realistic

Being realistic is very important. No one should push their luck and disbelieve in their original work. If your website is a new product, don’t aim up too high and ask for high level blogging. It’s very important to develop the links relevantly.
Links should be created logically. Though it’ time taking, when good websites are built, it will start to flourish automatically.

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