Bing’s new feature in image search – “Pin It”

4/26/2013 10:56:00 am

The famous Bing programmer Chen Fang blogged on the hosting of events which involved the lifestyle and design bloggers that would make the concept of searching and social media clear to the users. He said that, our society does a huge amount of image searches on Bing and Pinterest can be useful in this regard.He generalised the troubles that a normal user faces in tracking the source of an image and Pinterest has found efficient ways to locate the original, high quality pictures.

He also blogged about the sidebar efforts and the extra facility that “Pin It” button can provide. Basically, user’s don’t have to copy and paste anymore which meant less use of plug in’s. People can search for images directly from Bing to their Pinterest boards.

Bing has researched in the last season and after so many conferences and seminars, they have launched the Pinterst button.Earlier in this year, Yahoo had also introduced an extra feature in its image searching technology. It brought the “Flickr” images back to its original image search. It also allows people to search for the pictures licensed under Creative Commons licenses for its use in different kinds of applications.

Bing’s Pin to Pinterest feature figures out the link and automatically detects and links it back to the original source of the image to save time for the pinner and to ensure proper attribution. This feature is already installed in the search engine and that is why it does not require to install a bookmarklet.

In the announcement, Bing focussed on the ways in which one can search for better images using quotation marks and the site within specific sites. As for some examples:

  • “Summer dresses”
  • “Swimsuit”
  • memorial day party recipes”
  • grill recipes”

Anyway, the point is the user can directly pin it to the pinterest when Bing Image search is used at

Its working procedure is written as follows:

  1. Perform a Bing Search.
  2. Being on the Bing page, you can see the images that are asked for.
  3. Click on the image and click on “Pin it”, and then add a description to the image.

The pinterest app comes in the market with already installed Facebook and twitter on NOOK tablets from Barnes and Noble. It has created a special boost up in their market and they are hoping to give Google a tough competition.

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